Ciel and Doug's Maine Beach Wedding

Venue: bride and groom's home + beach

Rehearsal Dinner Weather: fog + salt

Wedding Day Weather: sun + sand

Spunkiest Guests: two cavalier king charles spaniels named Ginger + Maker

Best decoration: paper towels that said "Eat, Drink, and Remarry"

Most touching moment: bride + groom making vows to each other's children

My one regret: didn't have time to try the s'mores bar


In August, I had the treat of photographing Doug and Ciel's wedding in my beloved home state of Maine. Their home served as the main venue for the festivities, cozied up in a little beachside neighborhood. The ceremony took place down on the sand at low tide, with dune grasses and ocean water serving as the scene backdrops. Some of the sweetest moments from the wedding included one of the flower girls singing "In My Life" by the Beatles for the wedding procession music (she couldn't have been more than 6 years old and she sounded incredible!), as well as during the ceremony when Doug and Ciel each took turns making vows to each other's children, followed by a toast to commemorate their new unity as a family.

When it came down to it, though, the wedding weekend was one big, fun party. They had napkins in the bathroom that said "Eat, Drink, and Remarry", selfie sticks were running rampant throughout the reception, and hardly a single guest sat out the sing-along of "Don't Stop Believin'". This family has a very healthy sense of humor. By the end of the reception, dancing was in full swing and I was boogieing and singing along to the local oldies rock band.

Doug and Ciel are two people who know how to have fun and host a great party, but their relationship is clearly so much more than that. The trending sentiment in family toasts, guest speeches, and their own wedding vows was that they are so in love, so obviously in love. It was easy to see in the way they look at each other that they absolutely adore each other and love being together. I felt so lucky to be a part of their special weekend and take a slice of the event's happiness home with me.