Sunrise Hike // McAfee Knob, VA

I’m 25, and I’ll admit it - I’m still afraid of the dark. Especially hiking in the dark. There’s something that makes me uneasy about how the woods are so big, and yet full of endless hiding places for creatures. But despite these fears, I knew I wanted to hike to McAfee Knob to see the sunrise because…

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Lamb Tails and Cheddar

As the parking lot gravel crunched under the weight of my tires, my eyes swept over the tidy landscape of Frith Farm. Nestled in a woodsy corner of Scarborough, ME, the farm sits on the the edge of the forest. I stepped out of the car and took in the view of greenhouses, rows upon rows of flowers and vegetables, a henhouse and pasture, and a barn filled with harvested goods ready for CSA members. As much as I longed in that moment to gather some fresh goods for dinner, I was not there to pick vegetables - I was there to pick the brain of an old friend....

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