Infinite and Fresh

An evening ferry ride from Portland carried us across Casco Bay between lighthouses and fishing boats to Peaks Island. The sun was warm and the air was fresh. Immediately after stepping off the boat, we could feel the island vibe in the air, feel it drape over our shoulders in a way that made us feel lighter. Pickup trucks, cars with no license plates, and - can you believe it - ...

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Lavender and Patchouli

We all have old friends from high school that we haven't spoken to in years. Many of these we will probably never see again, except for when we scroll past their latest post on our social media feed. A lot of the time, that's simply enough. That is normal and okay and how things should be. Recently, I started noticing Sabina on Instagram and became so impressed with her yoga prowess, her love of plants, her pretty vegan food. The photographer in me started to brainstorm a photoshoot. She's gorgeous, is totally talented at yoga, and has a website where she might want to use my photos...sounds like a win-win, right? Luckily, she agreed! (And was somehow not weirded out by my very random Instagram direct message.) We decided to...

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