Blake & Ivy // Boston Portrait Session

Blake and Ivy reached out to me for help creating a portrait session in honor of their life partnership. What we planned together turned out to be the sweetest day spent in some of Boston’s most photogenic spots…

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Fallon & Liam // Maine Island Wedding

Liam and Fallon were married on the perfect Maine day in August - meaning, there was every bit of weather you could sample for the season, and it was all exactly right. Weddings are naturally magical days, and I think that magic is further even amplified when the couple is able to tie the knot in place that holds special meaning for them or their family. Well, Fallon and Liam had it all at Peaks Island…

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Phoebe & Sam // Vermont Wedding

Phoebe and Sam each got ready at Naulakha, a Landmark Trust Property where Rudyard Kipling (yes, the author of The Jungle Book!) use to live. They commandeered separate floors in the house on a cloudy Vermont day in early summer. The rhododendrons around the property were bursting with soft pink blooms and the old wooden floors of the house creaked…

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Lydia & Roger // Maine Wedding

Lydia and Roger were married on a hot (and I mean HOT! ) July day in New Gloucester, Maine. It was a day full of energy, tradition, and most of all - love. Together these two lively individuals blended their families and it led to some very touching moments and an absolutely raucous dance floor…

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Sarah // Boston Headshots

This spring, Sarah sought me out to take some updated headshots for her professional life as a clinical psychologist. I was so excited! Sarah has an incredibly buoyant presence and I was looking forward to capturing her energy with my camera. We met at the Harvard Arnold Arboretum around sunset in…

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Morgan // Spring Senior Portraits

This senior portrait session took place on the kind of evening you dream about as a photographer: warm weather, flower-laden trees, and a burning orange sunset. Amid the gorgeous natural backdrop, Morgan was totally aglow. Her mother came along with us as we made use of every natural feature and point of interest available. On all of my shoots, I am all about achieving as much variety as possible and this setting did not disappoint…

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Wes and Alix // In-Home Session // Roanoke, VA

When Wes reached out to me about doing a family photo session with him, his wife Alix, and their three cats, I was thrilled. I personally love animals, and they always bring extra surprises and smiles to a photoshoot. Then Wes explained to me that a big reason why they wanted to capture memories with their fur babes is because their oldest cat, Millie, was nearing the end of her time and they wanted to remember these twilight days with her. Suddenly, the mission felt even more important.

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Welcome Walter // Newborn Session

I had captured Grace’s maternity photos just a few months before, so it was somewhat surreal to return to her home for a newborn session. All of a sudden there was a new human being there to greet me, and the household orbit had shifted dramatically to include him. As Grace is a dear friend, it was so precious to document these early days in her and Keegan’s new life with little Walter.

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Cuoco Family // Roanoke, VA

The holidays are here. This season arrived as it always does - suddenly, despite all of the anticipation. I’ve not yet had a child, but I imagine it’s somewhat similar. So much planning and waiting and decorating until, one day, it’s time. For Ashley and Josh, the holidays happened to coincide with the birth of their first little one, Max…

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Brilliant Vanishing // Maine Autumn

Autumn is here. Well, not here, exactly. It was arriving, and here it is already leaving. Unlike its epilogue, winter, with fall there is no static moment where it settles in to stay. Rather, it is the story itself: changing, moving, rising and sighing. Yet for all of its dynamism, it is a quiet season. Amid the bursts of color and sudden shocks of frost are the hushed reminders to not only pause, but stop and…

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Passing Storms & Sunrises

In 2015, I hiked over 800 on the Appalachian Trail. While that didn’t technically make me a thru-hiker, for those two and a half months I lived just like one. It helped that I spent my days with them - people who had started in Georgia and were making their way up to Maine. My section had begun in West Virginia, so I missed out on the entire southern half of the trail. When thru-hikers would reminisce about their early days on the trail, they would often wax lyrical about the famed Smokies…

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Grace // In-Home Maternity Session

I’ve never been pregnant myself, and I do know many people can feel in the third trimester like they are just done and ready to have their baby. They’re hot. They can’t sleep. Their back aches. They’re anxious to finally meet the little one. Fair enough! But to me, late pregnancy, seems like it can also be a magical time…

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Jen // Headshots

After taking a step back from her impressive career in public relations, Jen is starting a career coaching business and needed some images to include on her website to help her put her best face forward. Last month, I met her at her home to capture some headshots. Using streamlined backdrops from…

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Arden + Michael // Farm Maternity Session

Arden and Michael aren’t your average couple. They own a small business, Great Day Gardens, where they grow flowers and vegetables and also bake fresh breads and pastries. It takes a special pair of people to be able to work together all day (outside in all kinds of weather, to boot) without tiring of…

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Alex // Senior Portraits

For his senior portrait session, Alex decided on Mill Mountain. It’s a great setting for a photoshoot because it offers so much variety in a small area, and it’s just minutes away from downtown Roanoke. We met there on a warm September afternoon. Alex, a talented guy both in the classroom and on the golf course, brought a laid-back attitude and thoughtful presence to the shoot..

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Michaela & Colby // Vintage Wedding

Amidst the chaos and unknown of the COVID-19, Michaela and Colby were still determined to finally get married. Like many couples, the pandemic foiled their original plans of having their wedding at a venue with over one hundred guests. Instead, they decided to stick with their wedding date and move their nuptials to their favorite local…

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Finding Peace in Iceland

Things I did not know about Iceland before traveling there: 

  1. The population is less than 350,000
  2. "King beds" are really just two twins pushed together, with a separate comforter for each side
  3. Sheep roam absolutely everywhere...
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Lavender and Patchouli

We all have old friends from high school that we haven't spoken to in years. Many of these we will probably never see again, except for when we scroll past their latest post on our social media feed. A lot of the time, that's simply enough. That is normal and okay and how things should be. Recently, I started noticing Sabina on Instagram and became so impressed with her yoga prowess, her love of plants, her pretty vegan food. The photographer in me started to brainstorm a photoshoot. She's gorgeous, is totally talented at yoga, and has a website where she might want to use my photos...sounds like a win-win, right? Luckily, she agreed! (And was somehow not weirded out by my very random Instagram direct message.) We decided to...

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