Wes and Alix // In-Home Session // Roanoke, VA

When Wes reached out to me about doing a family photo session with him, his wife Alix, and their three cats, I was thrilled. I personally love animals, and they always bring extra surprises and smiles to a photoshoot. Then Wes explained to me that a big reason why they wanted to capture memories with their fur babes is because their oldest cat, Millie, was nearing the end of her time and they wanted to remember these twilight days with her. Suddenly, the mission felt even more important.

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Welcome Walter // Newborn Session

I had captured Grace’s maternity photos just a few months before, so it was somewhat surreal to return to her home for a newborn session. All of a sudden there was a new human being there to greet me, and the household orbit had shifted dramatically to include him. As Grace is a dear friend, it was so precious to document these early days in her and Keegan’s new life with little Walter.

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Cuoco Family // Roanoke, VA

The holidays are here. This season arrived as it always does - suddenly, despite all of the anticipation. I’ve not yet had a child, but I imagine it’s somewhat similar. So much planning and waiting and decorating until, one day, it’s time. For Ashley and Josh, the holidays happened to coincide with the birth of their first little one, Max…

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The Arbogasts // Newborn Photoshoot

Elijah was only a few weeks old when I had the privilege of visiting Scott and Erin’s home for a newborn family photoshoot. Amidst that chaos that surely comes with first-time parenting, they appeared totally capable and confident in themselves as a team. More than anything, their joy over Elijah’s arrival just poured out of them. Even their sweet pup wanted…

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