Blake & Ivy // Boston Portrait Session

Blake and Ivy reached out to me for help creating a portrait session in honor of their life partnership. What we planned together turned out to be the sweetest day spent in some of Boston’s most photogenic spots.

Things started off with an afternoon picnic at the Harvard Arnold Arboretum, where Ivy and Blake sat down beneath the horsechestnut trees on a handmade blanket and put out a spread full of fresh fruit, pastries, tinned fish, chocolates, and more. All of the treats were from their favorite local spots in the Cambridge and Somerville area. It was just a taste of how thoughtful these two are! Over the course of the picnic I got to learn so much more about them and their many shared hobbies, from crafty pursuits (the blanket wasn’t the only handmade item - Ivy created the dress she was wearing!) to athletic interests like cycling.

After the Arboretum, we headed over to the Charles River Esplanade where Blake and Ivy gallivanted along the riverbed and beneath the wispy willow trees. The sun was getting low in the sky, which created some beautiful glowy backdrops for these portraits.

As the sun kept dropping, we made our way up to the Prudential Tower for some truly breathtaking sunset views of Boston. It couldn’t have been a more perfect night - the sky had a gorgeous purple hue to it as we looked up Newbury Street in one direction and down Commonwealth Ave in the other.

For our final stop, the three of us ending the evening at Contessa, a rooftop restaurant overlooking the Boston Public Garden. Ivy and Blake lifted their glasses and toasted to their partnership. Cheers to this unique, creative, and thoughtful couple!